Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Mosque

As we entered the mosque we had a quide who took us through and told us all about it. The work you see on the large pavillion and the columns is all made up of imported stone and semi precious stones from all over the world. None of it is painted. The white stone on the large pavillion keep cool so even when it's 111 degrees out you can walk on it comfortably. The mosque holds 40,000 people. It is the only mosque here open to the public. Sheik Zayad, I hope I spelled that right, I don't want to insult anyone, who was the founding father of the UAE had this vision to build this mosque so people from all over could experience Islam and see how it is celebrated. He is a very revered figure in the history of the UAE. It was his vision that brought the UAE from tribes to the sprawling and wealthy place it its today. I know I sound like a guide, but you have to understand we've been instructed in the Arabic culture almost everyday we've been here. It's a very polite society and they want to make sure we don't embarrass them or ourselves.

I know, I looked scared. We all had to wear these in the Mosque. Not my best look.

This is the outside. There is only one other mosque that is bigger than this one.

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