Thursday, September 16, 2010

First day of school

How cute are they??? Of course the first day of school was chaotic. I was told I'd probably not have more than one or two kids if any showed up. well since they started the new school reform they've been advertising for parents to be sure their children came to school starting the first day. I had ten show up. I walked them to my classroom which I had not seen yet. There were exactly ten desks but two were broken. No chairs but I had a desk and computer table. When I went to pull my teachers chair out, it fell apart. So....., even though I was told I may not stay in that room, I had them help me put up posters and then I read to them. We played Simon says and did some writing. It was a long day. Today I had about 14 and also had my second class, which for some reason I didn't get yesterday. My first group is pretty good. The second one, not so much, at least not yet. The problem is not being able to start out with rules and procedures like all the experts tell you to do, because you don't know if you will have this class, room or even school. Some of the teachers went to their schools the first day and they didn't have a place for them. Some teachers were moved to a different school the night before. We will be on an old schedule for the next week then start the new reform schedule which is based on the curriculum and structure from New South Wales. the day will be longer and we'll have four 45 minute periods with the students, but one of them I think will end up being silent reading for 2o and prayer for 15. them not me. :)
The boys were not bad at all. They don't do well without structure...duh...because today I let them draw and play when the Arabic teacher walked out and didn't take them with him. I think it was a failure to communicate. There is actually a sleep room for the teachers if they want to take a nap. I think some of them will be in for a rude awakening soon.
Anyway, I like my school, my collegues and the students. Once I fix up my room, now that they understand how important it is for me to stay in one room, it will be good. Just gotta keep the little buggers busy.
Some of my boys speak and understand pretty well. One reads quite well phonetically, but I'm not sure about understanding because of limited vocabulary. Most understand, sit down, come, say, and a few other words. a couple don't understand anything, but they're catching on fast. this is going to be one wild ride, but fun and rewarding.


  1. Boys will be boys. Glad its starting out good. Who needs a chair anyway?

  2. Wow! I think I might be breaking out in hives at this point - from the lack of structure! You're doing well just breathing and going with the flow for now. They are really darling! I bet they'll do fine once you have a structured, somewhat predictable day - and can set boundaries, etc.

  3. The above comment was from me, not Laurie. She must have logged into Google last...?

  4. And it begins. I am so proud of you!
